HH, Sir Godfrey Gregg D.Div

“And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.” John 16:23

“In that day” — in the long and blessed day of the New Covenant which Christ’s death and resurrection and ascension have ushered in. In the happy day in which it is my joy to live. In the day which is now and here.

On that day you shall ask Me nothing — ask Me no questions. For your minds will be satisfied; your problems will be solved; and My revelation, so far as it concerns your deepest and highest interests, will be finished and complete. The dimness of the older dispensation will be over and gone. The Cross will make much clear, which was veiled and uncertain before. The risen and reigning Saviour, will dispel many a cloud. The unction of the Holy Spirit will teach you all things. How great is my privilege to live in the day when the Sun of Righteousness shines undimmed and bright!

Yet on that day whatever you shall ask the Father, and He will give you whatever you ask in my name — whatever you ask in your prayers and petitions at His throne. For if your knowledge has been marvellously enlarged, your heart’s needs will still remain, and prayer will continue to be your vital breath and native air.

And, in the gospel day, there is . . .

  • the sacrifice and righteousness of the dying Christ to plead as your argument;
  • the intercession of the living Christ to add sweetness and merit to your requests;
  • the Spirit of the exalted Christ sent down into your soul.

What ample encouragement I have here to expect great things from God!

Is it, not a good day? And it moves on to the hour when all things will be made new, and when the light of my soul will be multiplied sevenfold!

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