Sir  Godfrey Gregg D.Div


1 Have faith in God when your pathway is lonely;
He sees and knows all the way you have trod.
Never alone are the least of His children;
Have faith in God, have faith in God.

Have faith in God, He’s on His throne;
Have faith in God, He watches o’er His own.
He cannot fail, He must prevail;
Have faith in God, have faith in God.

2 Have faith in God when your prayers are unanswered;
Your earnest plea He will never forget.
Wait on the Lord trust His Word and be patient;
Have faith in God, He’ll answer yet. [Chorus]

3 Have faith in God in your pain and your sorrow;
His heart is touched by your grief and despair.
Cast all your cares and your burdens upon Him;
And leave them there, oh, leave them there. [Chorus]

4 Have faith in God through all else fail about you;
Have faith in God, He provides for His own.
He cannot fail through all kingdoms shall perish;
He rules He reigns, upon His throne. [Chorus]

In times of disappointment, heartache, sickness or discontent when the storms of life are raging all around God sometimes feels very far away.  We can start to wonder why He let this happen, or why He isn’t doing something, right now, to stop it or fix it.  He could have prevented this storm and He didn’t.  As we come to the end ourselves in our storms of life, we angrily cry out, “Lord, don’t you care?”  And His reply is, “Where is your faith?”

If you are not currently experiencing a time of difficulty, or time of doubt and uncertainty, then PRAISE God! But get ready, because Jesus assured us in John 16:33.

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.  But take heart, because I have overcome the world!”

Jesus in the midst of the storm

In Luke 8:22-25 and Mark 4:35-40, we find the disciples with Jesus, in a boat, taking a trip to the other side of the Sea of Galilee . They might have expected this would be one of the most amazing trips they’d ever take, and it was; just not in the way they expected.

As they crossed the Sea, a raging storm came upon them, out of nowhere.
This storm brought these expert fishermen to the very end of themselves. They thought they were going to die. Have you ever been in a situation like that?  Have you ever felt there are times that you are lost and want to give up? There is hope and Jesus next to you. One where there seems to be no way out, nothing you can do to save yourself?  That same desperation is what the disciples must have felt that night.  The storm was too big.  We can look at their situation and think, “Didn’t they realize they had Jesus in the boat with them?” Listen, Jesus is in the boat with you too.

The disciples struggle to keep their boat from capsizing. 
Finally, as a last-ditch effort, turn to Jesus in anger, crying out, “Teacher, don’t you care that we are going to drown?” As they look at Him, they find Him sleeping on a cushion, in the back of the boat. When we finally turn to Jesus, we too angrily cry out, “Lord, don’t you care?” As we look to Him, we find Him resting. We wonder, “How can He rest at a time like this?” Many of us had experiences we can share, but there were times when there was no one around us who cared for us. No one to turn to, yet Jesus was even nearer than we thought.

As the story continues, Jesus awakes and says to the storm, “Peace! Be Still!” and there was instant calming. A word from Jesus was all it took. The disciple’s desperation ceased and they were left in awe and amazement. We shouldn’t criticize ourselves too much for our lack of faith. The Disciples had witnessed the greatest miracles of Jesus, yet they were consumed with fear. Jesus was physical with them, and they waited until the last minute to ask Him for help.  We wonder, “Shouldn’t it have occurred to them, to ask Him for help, right away?” We should ask ourselves that same question in the desperate situations we face. Why go through all the worry and struggle, when we can just ask Jesus to calm the storm?

We can declare, “It’s just not that easy.  Besides, Jesus was with them, physically.”
If we believe in God’s Word, if we trust completely in what He says, then we must know that He is with us too. Isaiah 41:10 says, “Do not fear for I am with you.” Matthew 28:20 says, “I am with you always” So the question is, do you believe He is? When we’re consumed with fear and doubt and the wind and waves are taking us under, we can be assured that Jesus is with us. O, my brothers and sisters when there is no way out for us and the trials and temptation overwhelmed us, Jesus is even nearer than we can ever think.

We know that we need to trust Jesus, but practically, how do we do that when we’re being tossed about? 
Trusting in God means: seeking Him, entering into His rest, and trusting in His Word. Our faith requires action.

  1. Faith seeks God in all things at all times. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus was very specific in telling those who were heavy-laden and overburdened to come to Him. If we’re experiencing fear and doubt, it’s because we’re not trusting God. We can’t trust Him in some things and not in others. There’s no such thing as God being almost sovereign.
    If our situation needs a miracle, then we must realize that God is the only One that can perform that miracle. We must go to Him in prayer, casting all our cares on Him, and trust that He will handle it all, in His way, in His timing, which is always perfect. We must stop “labouring,” denying Him and start trusting.
  2. Faith enters into God’s rest. In a violent, life-threatening storm, Jesus was peacefully asleep. In our storms of life, we too can enter into rest with God. We must stop trying to do what only God can do. Oftentimes, we are to stand still and watch God work 1 Chronicles 20: 15-17. Most of the time He simply wants us to believe 2 Chronicles 16:9. Entering into God’s rest means continuing to trust Him, even if, our situation does not change. We can’t change our circumstances if the circumstances we are in are God’s will. We must trust that He has promised to work ALL things for good Jeremiah 29:11. We might not be able to see how the trials and tribulations of our lives can possibly be used for good, but God is sovereign, we are not; His ways are higher and His ways are far better Isaiah 55:8-9.
  3. Faith trusts God and His Word. You can’t be an unbelieving believer. You either trust God or you don’t. You trust His Word or you don’t. Faith does not walk by sight, because every time you step out in faith, you can rest assured, that you are going to be challenged with something that contradicts it. Faith is a choice, not a feeling. It is a choice that declares, regardless of the way things appear, “I trust God.” Never forget that God sees your life from beginning to end.  He is all-knowing, all-caring, all-powerful and all-loving. There is nothing in your life that goes beyond His control. Trust Him to bring about victory in your life. You won’t be disappointed 1 Chronicles 5:20; Psalm 22:5.

If you find your faith and fear colliding, look to Jesus. He has not jumped out of the boat of your life.  Seek God, enter into his rest, and trust His Word.  When the storms of life hit, you won’t have to dust off your Bible or go searching for a lost prayer.  You’ll know where your faith is. Hallelujah, where is Jesus in your boat? He is just a question away to hear “Peace be still.”

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