


Sir  Godfrey Gregg D.Div


There is nothing impossible in this world; it only wants determination that brings about failures. With a strong will, one can do wonders. The power of human will is ex­traordinary. At first sight, many tasks may appear impos­sible to accomplish and many are frightened away. Only a few have the necessary strength of will to pursue their goal; only they know what it is to struggle toward their ideal.

Occasionally, even very small things like getting up early in the morning, studying for a specified number of hours, keeping to time, writing prompt letters, getting to church on time, call for determina­tion and strength of will. Most of us are often tempted to postpone too many things and the result is that we com­plain, we do not have time to do them. In most cases, this is just an excuse.

Many of us are also discouraged by apparent failures. We know the story of the jaguar and the crocodile but we do not have the patience to wait for the final results. Quick, if not the immediate result, is what we want. Yes, we want what we need on time without making the ultimate sacrifice. All we have to do is let go and let God do the working in our lives.

Failure is a stepping stone to success but we wish to keep to success by avoiding the steps. There is no shortcut to success and the earlier we realise this, the better it is for us. Great achievements in various fields have been possible because of men who did not mind initial failures. The pioneers who wanted to fly got their limbs broken in their attempts to fly, but this did not prevent them from trying again. The result is today we have su­personic planes which can take us from one continent to another in a matter of hours. Just as in church, when we started it was all good till we stumble upon our first failure; but God was and still is in control and we passed and overcame the obstacles. Today we smile when we see failures and we look to the Author of our faith.

Many of us know how to swim or ride a bicycle. When we took the first plunge, maybe we did not like the feel of the cold water; the first fall from the bicycle may have caused bruises. But we did not allow those to stop us from trying again. Probably we failed the second time too, but very soon we mastered the technique and today we do not have any regrets for persisting in our attempts. It is good to remember this whenever we feel like giving up, that the impossible can always be possible.

All of us possess willpower. Only some of us use it. The others do not use it and put the blame for their lures on others. This is what we should never do. If we wish to realize our ambition, it is not enough to have one; we should always strive towards it unmindful of the inevi­table failures on the way. Where there is a will, there is a way. So it is time for us to find a place to worship, we have the will and Jesus is our way forward. Let us walk in His footsteps and take God at His word. He never fails and this is the way forward.

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