

HH, Sir Godfrey Gregg D.Div

 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.” John 16:12

My heart is sorry for Christ. So much there was in His human ministry unuttered, unattempted, undone. The soil was not yet ready to receive the good seed — for it was strange and novel and perplexing to backward and sluggish souls.

But the Spirit of Truth, whom He has sent in His place, has revealed the unspoken mysteries and accomplished the broken labours. He is busy rounding into a perfect circle, the truths which the Lord needed to leave incomplete.

That is why new light has kept dawning on the Church since Jesus went away. The Epistles contain things undisclosed in the Gospels. And, at great epochs since, a fresh sunrise has gladdened the hearts of men, and an undiscovered country has opened to their wondering gaze.

That is why new enterprises have been undertaken by the soldiers of Christ. There is a great missionary movement, to choose but one example out of many. It is my Master saying what He was hindered from unveiling before, and doing what He could not attempt when He tabernacled in my flesh and blood.

And that is why new victories have been won. Greater works have been achieved, more conversions have taken place, and the kingdom of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit has gone forward more rapidly since Jesus returned to the Father.

I am glad that He is not hampered now. I only pray that I may have the wisdom to hear, and the courage and patience, to do whatever He says to me.

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