

HH, Sir Godfrey Gregg D.Div

“I am the Bread of Life!” John 6:48

I am the Bread of Life, says Jesus to my soul. And there is no Bread like that!

For it satisfies the hunger of the heart. It goes deeper far than my bodily needs. It feeds the spirit within me — so big and elastic that the whole world cannot fill it, so hungry and restless and baffled and frustrated. This Bread is truth, salvation, grace, pardon, holiness, and power — all that without which my innermost self is unable to live.

And it never loses its relish. It does not become stale, tasteless, or insipid. The Christ of my childhood is not a poorer and less longed-for Christ in my old age; He is a larger and more wonderful Christ. There are depths in Him to be sounded yet, there are heights to be scaled, and there are treasures to be claimed!

And it imparts an undecaying life. The fathers who ate the manna in the wilderness are dead; their bones lie white and bleached along the desert sands from Sinai to Kadesh. But if I eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus, I partake in the eternity of Jesus. Death has no power over me. It only pushes aside the curtain, and from the Holy Place, I enter the Most Holy, where my High Priest is.

And it is to be had without cost. Ah, sometimes, in cruel days of famine, there are crowds of perishing men who cannot purchase the bread that will keep the wolf from their doors and the icy chill of death from their hearts. But I need only stretch forth an empty hand, and the fullness of Christ is mine!

O blessed Bread of Life!

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