Greetings, this is HH, Sir Godfrey Gregg D.Div

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

Instead of fearfulness and shamePOWER. And the power is heaven-born and heaven-sustained, bequeathed and nourished by the Spirit of God. What opposition should I dread, from what enemy should I fly — when this invincible Might has its home within me? My weakness, leaning upon God — its end can never be missed. He delights in the empty and helpless soul into which He can breathe His strength.

Instead of fearfulness and shameLOVE. The very love of Jesus is limitless, unconquerable, towards men who range themselves against His gospel. If this love abounds in me, it will drive terror far away. It will make me the envoy of peace to those who hate me. Above all my shrinking from them will rise and reign a throbbing compassion for them. Stronger than my misgivings of the harm they may inflict on me, will be my knowledge of the sorrowful destiny they may reap for themselves — my yearning to snatch them from it.

Instead of fearfulness and shameDISCIPLINE. The sober and continual government of myself; the watchfulness that mounts ever into prayer. Let me have this lordship over my frailties, my alarms, my moods of his despondency and panic, and three times armed; no shaft shall pierce my coat of armour.

God, let me remember, gives me not a spirit of fearfulness but of Power and Love and Discipline.

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